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held during the last week of every other month


Strix's Kindling

Greetings yet again sweeties!
What's that? Why are some bewildered kriiks wandering in my garden every now and then? Do I perform experiments on them!? Oh no dearie, let me explain..

As you might know I take great pride in the fact that the Great Council supports my work as the Strix.. I strive to create the best soul sand there is, but well.. sometimes I get a little clumsy. Bits of the soul sand fly off and sprinkle on my bench and cupboard. I can't collect and store it safely anymore, but there's really nothing wrong with it!

This is why every other month when I clean my atelier, I collect the soul sand onto my dustpan, walk over to my garden and toss it outside. Shortly a young kriik is kindled. The young kriiks are always a little disoriented, but I offer them tea and biscuits while I explain the way of the world to them.


Enter the raffle and that MYO kriik can be yours!


Raffles in 2024:

February 22-29th
April 23-30th
June 23-30th

August 24-31st
October 24-31st
December 24-31st 

Three (3) MYO kriiks will be raffled every other month (see dates below.) By entering this raffle, you might win a MYO kriik!



Available subtypes for these MYOs:

  • Chick, Hale, Canary, Ripple, Spore


Rewards: x3 MYO Kriik

To enter the raffle:


  • Verify your account

    • Instructions can be found here​




Raffle closes after the last day of every other month.

Learn more about MYO kriiks and how to redeem them in the MYO Guide!

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