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MYO Guide

Guide to creating your own kriik!

Make Your Own (MYO) is a permission to create your own Kriik. MYO:s can be obtained through raffles, events, sales, etc.

This guide is for those, who already have a MYO and are wondering how to design and redeem it!


To redeem your MYO, please fill in this form and send it to KriiksClerk in Discord:


Link to your MYO: 




Artist credit:


  • There is no time limit on redeeming your MYO.

  • MYO:s can be sold/traded/gifted same as any other kriik.

  • Unless otherwise specified, the subtypes you can choose from are:

    • Chick

    • Hale

    • Ripple

    • Canary

    • Spore




Species Info

Design Guide



  • A Kriik's "theme" is their unique title, displayed on their masterlist page, which determines their identity and the organic growth sprouting from their forehead. 
    For example, this kriik's theme is Orange, and orange tree branches are growing from its forehead.

  • All kriik themes must include some organic growth word in it, depending of the subtype (plant/coral/seaweed/mushroom). For example, for a Chick kriik, "Dog" would not be sufficient, but "Pine Dog" would.

    • The organic growth word does not have to be a specific plant name like "Pine". It can simply be "tree", "coral", "flower", "cactus", "mushroom", etc. or their synonym, as long as it still follows the subtype. For example "Tree" or "Tree Dog" for a Chick kriik, "Shroom" or "Shroom Cat" for a Spore kriik, etc.

There can only be one kriik with the exact same theme,
but themes can be reserved for MYO:s. More about that below.

Prohibited Themes:

Kriiks reserve the right to decline any theme that breaks these rules or seems suspicious or bad taste.

  • The exact same theme some other kriik already has

  • Copyrighted words, phrases, ideas and characters

  • Themes that disobey section 2 rules about Prohibited Content

  • Names (unless it's a part of a plant's name)

  • Themes containing non-English words (unless it's a part of a plant's name)

  • Sexual or suggestive themes

  • Gender themes (including boy, girl, man, gal, etc. unless it's part of a plant's name.)

  • Mental or physical disorders

  • Slurs and other offensive words

You can read more about theme rules in Rules at section 7!

Reserving a Theme:

If you own a blank MYO, you can reserve a theme for it.


To reserve a theme, send a Direct Message to Kirwick in Discord.
> kirwick / Kirwick#3009 (also listed in the 🌍staff channel in Kriiks Discord)

  • You can check if a theme is usable without reserving it, but if it takes you long to finish the art and you get unlucky, the theme might have been used/reserved by someone else in the meantime. This is more likely to happen with generic themes like "Strawberry Cat" or "Dandelion", than with unique themes like "Whispers in the Dogwood".

  • If you choose to reserve a theme, it'll be added on the MYO and cannot be changed later, so make sure it's what you want!


Species Info

Design Guide


  • All quirks are available for use when designing a MYO kriik, including Tainted quirks! But only quirks visible in the submitted art will be added to the kriik.

    • This means, if you want all the quirks on your kriik, you need to include them all in the art you submit.


All quirks can be seen here.

Art rules:

  • Art must be fullbody​

  • Art must be colored

  • Art must have a transparent background

  • Art cannot include other characters

  • Art cannot include extra closeups of bodyparts, color palettes or text (other than artist's logo.)

  • Art cannot be traced, but CAN be drawn on a free or rightfully purchased base.

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