Editing Character page
Guide to editing and transferring your character!
1. Editing window
The editing window can be opened by clicking the pen icon next to the character's theme and subtype. It can take a couple seconds for the window to open!

In the editing window, you can write a description to the character, transfer the character to another user and upload new images.

1.1 Writing description
Click the description box and start writing! You can edit the text using the buttons on top of the text box. The description has a 300 character limit.
The description will be saved after you press "Submit" at the bottom.

1.2 Transferring the character
You can transfer the character by selecting a user from the dropdown, and clicking the "Are you sure?" switch on.
The character will be transferred after you press "Submit" at the bottom.

1.3 Uploading new images
New images can be added to the character by selecting an image through the "Select File" button, and writing the artist's name in the "Artist name" field. If the artist is you, please write your username instead of "me".
The image will be submitted for approval, and will show up on the character once the image is approved. This can take anywhere from a minute to a couple of days.
Images waiting for approval can be viewed in the character's hidden gallery.

2. Gallery and Images
The character's gallery can contain any images made of the character. By clicking images in the gallery, you can hide and delete them, or make one the character's primary image.

2.1 Hiding or deleting an image
An image in the character's gallery can be deleted, but clicking on the desired image, and pressing the red trashcan icon at the top right corner.
Hiding an image can be done by pressing the gray eye icon at the top right corner.

2.2 Choosing a new primary image
A primary image is the image, that can be seen when viewing a character's page and it shows up on the masterlist.
A primary image can be chosen by opening the desired image from the character's gallery, and clicking the "Make primary image" -button. If the desired image is in the character's hidden gallery, the image has to be unhid before it can be made into a primary image.
If you do not want to have the primary image show up in the gallery, simply hide it.
Only one image per character can be waiting for approval at the same time!
After pressing the button, the primary image will be submitted up for approval. The approval process might take a couple of days, and during this time you cannot request another image to be changed into the primary image. You have to wait until the previous request is either approved or denied.

3. Hidden Gallery
The hidden gallery can be viewed from the eye icon next to the character's gallery. The gallery can only be viewed by the character's owner. You can store images of the characters to the hidden gallery. Hiding an image instead of deleting it is recommended, so you don't have to upload it again if you someday want it to show up in the gallery again!
The hidden gallery also shows any images that are waiting for approval.

3.1 Unhiding an image
An image can be unhid by pressing the Unhide button. Unfortunately images can currently only be unhid one by one.