Redesign Guide
Guide to designing or redesigning your kriik!
Redesign notice:
A kriik can currently be redesigned without the use of any items, as long as it follows the design rules!
To have your redesign approved, submit it to the #redesign-approval channel in the Kriiks Discord.
Body and hair color
A kriik's body and hair can be any color and pattern!
The body and hair's colors and patterns can be freely edited when
redesigning a kriik.
Skin color
The skin color means what color a kriik's hands, legs and skin under the fur is. Skin color can be freely changed within the subtype's range, without getting it approved as a redesign!
Example below does not resemble available colors, they would need the Ghost quirk. Check appropriate color ranges below at Skin colors by subtype.
A kriik's skin color is tied to its subtype, unless the kriik has a Pigment quirk. The skin color is never fully saturated, white or pastel, unless the kriik has the Ghost quirk.
Skin colors by subtype:




The Ghost quirk allows the skin color to reach fully saturated and pastel colors, or even white! Usually Ghost also alters all the body colors to be faded as well, but this is optional.
Ghost skin colors by subtype:




Eye color
From birth, kriik eyes can be any color or shape, but they cannot be changed without the New Eyes quirk.
If a kriik is obtained and it doesn't yet have art where the eyes are open, the current owner can decide it.
A kriik's lips are always some shade of red, orange or purple, but the inside of the mouth can be any color.

Kriiks have teeth, but showing them is considered rude. Hale kriiks are the only subtype that cannot retract and hide their teeth.
A kriik must always have organic growth on its forehead. The organic growth can however be drawn very small, or be hidden under a tuft of hair.
Color and Size
A kriik's organic growth can freely change color and size within that organic growth's seasonal or life cycle, without getting it approved as a redesign.
This includes:
Size differences
Withered or Healthy look
Flowers or Buds
Leaves changing color
Moss or Decay
Rot and Holes
The organic growth can only have natural colors inspired by some real-life organic growth, unless the character is a Phoenix kriik. Meaning, rainbow leaves for example would only be possible for a Phoenix kriik.
Growth species
The organic growth's species cannot change without getting it approved as a redesign! (For example changing the growth from birch to pine.)
When changing the organic growth's species or looks, it has to stay within the subtype's growth type. For example, a Chick kriik could not have succulent or mushroom growth.
Once a kriik has a quirk, it can be turned on and off, or change how it looks. For example, a kriik that has a wing quirk could freely change between bird and bat wings.
Most quirks follow the kriik's original design and colors, but some quirks give new colors that can change any time, without getting it approved as a redesign.
Quirks that give free new colors are:
New Eyes
Bloom is especially interesting, as it can freely change its pattern as well!
It could show up as runes, glitter, stripes, glow in the eyes, anything that lets off light. No need to get it approved as a redesign.
Bloom cannot form any "physical" form other than stars and glitter outside the body, so you cannot for example make bloom in the shape of wings, without also having the Wings quirk.
Kriiks can wear anything freely! Clothes, items and other accessories do not count in the design itself, so accessory changes do not need to be approved.